Saturday, October 9, 2010


it looks happier but am i really?

Friday, October 8, 2010



apparently lost too much blood. felt like i was drunk.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Question Mark

Three weeks. just enough to change everything.

Three months. expected to be short.

Half a year. embrace the possibilities.

Times goes. things happen. tomorrow.... is always an unknown.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010





對你暗戀者真太多 似位歌手手好叫座
而平日你凝望我 這慣常一眼可殺死我

你也許疏離到不能再疏 我竟多心想太多
常期待愛情路過 至義無反顧被你教唆

*我到底寂寞過盛 才謝絕冷靜
 日日算命 如命中注定 一堆虛構溫馨

 是我敏感 誤會戀愛降臨
 從未發生 交不出初吻
 從來沒有 情人會行近 日落黃昏
 誤會你有心 日夜苦惱自尋
 想得近 卻遠得過份
 無聊像我 無聊當緣份 亦是吸引
 我也許孤獨到熄滅了燈 覺得彼此抱得更親
 戀愛妄想症 錯覺還是吸引*

你我的戀情也一場錯麼 擦出火花不算多 
沉迷易惹人犯錯 我愛無可愛又有錯麼

Friday, September 3, 2010


Shouldn't I be excited for the upcoming possibilities of my life?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


now that i got use to my life without him
i have to get use to another one...
so much moving on....

Friday, August 27, 2010

nut's life

life sucks at the moment.
i wish i can be more independent.
i wish i can be happy by myself.
arrrgggh can i delete part of my memory
what is all this. this is driving me nuts.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


so drunk
so lost.
so frustrated
i wish killing myself doesnt hurt that much. i wish im braver to get through everything
i wish im not such a loser who calls him

Monday, July 12, 2010


I don't think we can last another year.
But I don't want to be alone
maybe I still love you or
it's just that I just need you. or someone.
sickly dependent woman... since when did this happen to me.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

summer 1

happy. got articles all ready, now its just the writing left, with laptop on bed tonight, yey! i miss writing... without looking at the grade... 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

F my life

my life sucks
you suck

Monday, June 21, 2010


start a new life...? yes? no?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Finals-Spring 2010

Venice 你要加油喔!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Learn A Lesson

Do not take risky risks.
Never let people mistrust you.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Run Down

0900 wake
1) call af
2) go take package
3) school take notes
1045 appt for pills
back home
double check
wait till 12ish

Monday, April 26, 2010


讓人掉眼淚 就是你的專長嗎...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thankyou God for Waking Me Up.

Here's what happened.
tomorrow, is the first midterm of my Ochem class that meets normally on TTh 8-920.
The professor lets us bring a cheat sheet. but the cheat sheet has to be got from him in the class.
I missed Thursday's class, which is when the 'official' cheat sheet is given to us. AND professor said you can only get the cheat sheet in class. which means you couldnt go to his office hours and ask for it.
the same class has another meeting time on MWFs.
SO, it's today. 12 oclock...
might be redundant to mention that someone upstairs was knocking on the door for 10 minutes or so in the strength that i thought the postman was knocking ours to deliver something... i dunno maybe the couples living upstairs had a fight and the girl didnt let the guy in? but AT 7 STH!!! so i was really mad coz EVEN I HAD EAR PLUGS ON I WOKE UP and i couldnt fall asleep after... the second thing i know is
the clock says 12:47? around 50.. when I woke up. alarm at 10 didnt ring at all?? or i turned it off.. no idea. oh and the class ends at 12:50 forgot to mention.
fyi.. the class meets at price theatre and i was driving. so i had to park then run.
2 minutes i ran. woooohooo
and I got the cheat sheet!

Wouldn't be able to get it if i wake up any later...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Got a stop sign ticket.
i swear i stopped!!
ok maybe not for 3 seconds.

maybe i shouldnt spend too much money on clothes (shhh).. what a warning.

Monday, April 12, 2010


spicy chicken, hot sauce, kiwi, auntie's soup, wtever, tasteless.
im done.

lulu got mad at me going to work. haha. sounds like i really love to work.
how nice. sick like dead, no one to talk to (again).

Friday, April 9, 2010

Unbeatable Target.

Have to Grad on Winter 2011.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


期待. 雀躍.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Always wanted to start a new life.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Brain got lazier. Is it me or is it the world?

Was sitting here on my desk, watching PPstream, feeling comfy and relaxed.
Then I got aware of the fact that I use to go on Facebook a lot.
How funny, so you don't like wasting time there but the information there just keeps you clicking around. Information just forces into your brain, and to some extent, you cannot control the flowing of vast information.
Brain gets data every second involuntarily.
Stuff get stuck onto your brain automatically.
Well of course, our brain do have an unlimited capacity. It might be actually training our brains in a daily basis-a good practice. Instinctively I don't feel happy when I was on facebook. I feel happier now even though I feel like a little bored. Well the fact is even when you're on facebook it does not mean that you're occupied. I feel like I could use my brain more now. There is more time for me to plan ahead of things, while not influenced by any third party business. Isn't it pure and elegant.. haha

Sitting aside looking at how our society changed, indeed, information grown from limited to overflowing. Years ago, you could never imagine that you were able to keep on track of hundreds and thousands of friends' latest information on 1 screen. Is this a leap forward? Am I the loser of Darwin's 'survival of the fittest' if I get headaches from knowing too much unwanted information?

Friday, April 2, 2010


Towed at MSC mall!!! .\ /.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


so i thought u were the one i could call and talk to so that i can feel  better. but it never works. how stupid i am to hv believed it helps. 

Best thing in life

Bath, I like. It's like renewing!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Break Ends.

I should consider quitting Tapex.

My gpa sucks.

My life became all about work, tiredness, sleep and eat. I feel hollow. What if I will die next month.. All I could recall from my life is and sleep... my life's boring...and meaningless.
I wanted to grasp every minute in creating a fulfilling life.
Hm. came to the States. started my college life. found more and more stuff to focus on...
living alone, getting well with housemates.. getting well with friends.. paying bills by time.. worrying about money... finding a job... earning money.. working more... saving money.. using again.. sigh i feel like my life's getting more and more materialistic. and the conscientious place that i created long ago in my heart either for God or for sanity.. is diminishing day by day..

this is not the first day that i recognize all these.
it's been happening periodically
they all last less than 1 week.
this time.
i want to find my conscience back.
at least for me
never just meant this.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Quitted Facebook.

m.. i think i like writing on my own more than stalking.

i'll make it nice later.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


i love original.